Eastern Partnership Policy
Guide to Social Innovation
Casino Capitalism: How the Financial Crisis Came About and What Needs to be Done Now
Deleveraging and global growth
Stabilizing an unstable economy
ESPON Climate. Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies
By ESPON, 2011.
Territorial development is generally considered as very important for dealing with climate change. For instance, territorial development is regarded to be responsible for and capable of reducing regional vulnerability to climate change and developing climate mitigation and adaptation capacities against the impacts of climate change (Stern, 2006; IPCC, 2007c). Also, the World Bank Report „The Global Monitoring Report 2008“ which deals with climate change and the Millennium Development Goals concludes that the development of adaptive urban development strategies is a fundamental field of action for dealing with the challenges of climate change (World Bank, 2008).
The social cost of capital and the impact of Basel III
ESPON Synthesis Report 2
By ESPON, 2013.
EU Cohesion Policy has a vital role to play in Europe’s recovery from the economic and financial crisis. Evidence-informed policy decisions play an important role in this process. The ESPON 2013 Programme supports policy development in relation to EU Cohesion Policy by researching European territorial structures, trends, perspectives and policy impacts. ESPON’s findings show Europe’s territorial diversity, and make comparisons between regions and cities. The comparable information on territorial dynamics provided by ESPON can be used for the development of integrated approaches in the framework of the European Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF) 2014 to 2020.
Why Europe will suffer more
Keynes’ savings paradox, Fisher’s Debt Deflation and the Banking Crisis
EU reforms to increase potential output
Household Debt and the Recession The household leverage cycle in the context of the European crisis
Asset prices, financial and monetary stability: exploring the nexus
Real time" early warning indicators for costly asset price boom/bust cycles: a role for global liquidity
Alessi, L. and Detken, C.,ECB Working Paper, 2009.
International monies, special drawing rights, and supranational money
Alessandrini, P. and Fratianni, M., Document, 2009.