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By Lewis Djikstra, 2009.

This regional focus analyses the 258 metropolitan regions in the European Union. It asks two main questions:

1) Is the EU becoming more metropolitan?
2) Why do some metros grow fast?

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By CNN, 2013.

"Cyprus" and "luck" haven't exactly been synonyms lately, but at the end of 2011, American firm Noble Energy (NBL) made a find that was very lucky indeed: A giant natural gas field off the country's southern coast.

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By Foresight Project, 2006.

The Foresight Project on Intelligent Infrastructure Systems (IIS) set out to examine the challenges and opportunities for the UK in bringing ‘intelligence’ to its infrastructure – the physical networks that deliver such services as transport, telecommunications, water and energy. In particular, the project explored how, over the next 50 years, we can apply science and technology to the design and implementation of intelligent infrastructure for robust, sustainable and safe transport, and its alternatives.

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By Oxford Programme of the Future of Cities, 2011

Scenario 1: Gulliver’s World

Gulliver’s World: A world of continued progress and innovation for a reduced number of elites, surrounded by a large, fragmented fringe of developing world power blocks.

Two worlds in one: a core of new eco-prosperity, a fringe of stagnation and struggle, smarter cities and transport, but persistent basic challenges, broader global leadership, but increasing fragmentation, higher quality of life for some but increasing exclusion for most.

Scenario 2: Massive Sociotechnical Revolution

Massive Sociotechnical Revolution: A world where climate change and peak oil severely strain cities across the globe, but produce a revolution in more holistic values led by a generation of young leaders championing a new work-life-ecology balance.

A decade of decline producing social tension, followed by a devastating blow, leading to a youth uprising and a new generation of leaders, who push through new agreements, creating global climate stabilization and smarter and greener cities, with local food economies, increased soft wealth, and greater quality-of-life for all.

Scenario 3: Triumph of the Triads

Triumph of the Triads: A world where global systemic risks exceed our capacity to manage them, producing state failure, economic stagnation and predatory warlordism.

Rapid, disruptive climate change, market failures multiply, international aid falters, conflict and migration ensues, breakdown of critical infrastructure, leads of harsh return to self sufficiency, urban tribalism increases, leading to new family values, warlord tax collectors provide services, for a global age of muddling through.

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Housing New Zealand Corporation, 2009

Three divergent future scenarios for social and affordable housing in 20 to 40 years' time have been developed to assist long term strategic planning. Experts from across the country assisted with developing scenarios that are thought-provoking and challenging to the status quo. The scenarios are 'Road to Nowhere', 'Eco-nomics', and 'A Stake in the Ground'. Each scenario examines the various effects of key drivers on social and affordable housing, including economic and political drivers, social attitudes and pressures, environmental pressures and responses, and technologies and skills.

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