External and intra-EU trade - a statistical yearbook
The yearbook on external and intra-European Union tradesets out to provide data on long-term trends in the trade ofthe European Union (considered as a whole) and its Member States. It contains data on the trade flows, brokendown by major product group, of the EU with its maintrading partners on one hand and between the Member States on the other.
Market access database
European Commission
The database is an Internet-based information device provided by the European Commission in order to support EU enterprises, in particular SMEs, to improve their export activities in third countries. The key objectives of the MADB are:
- To provide basic information of interest to EU exporters such as import duties, related taxes and documentary import requirements applicable in export markets, and trade statistics and studies on market access related topics,
- To list all the trade barriers affecting EU exports by sector and country and to ensure systematic follow-up of the barrier identified, and
- To make available an interactive means of communication between business and the EU authorities, allowing an exchange of information on-line.
2009 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy
Eurostat, 2009
The Eurostat monitoring report, based on the EU set of sustainable development indicators, provides an objective, statistical picture of progress towards the goals and objectives of the EU sustainable development strategy. It is published every two years and underpins the European Commission’s progress report on the implementation of the strategy. The statistics covered illustrate the range of issues relevant for sustainable development, and will contribute to raising awareness of the opportunities and challenges lying ahead.
Gapminder World
Gapminder, 2005
The initial activity was to pursue the development of the Trendalyzer software. Trendalyzer sought to unveil the beauty of statistical time series by converting boring numbers into enjoyable, animated and interactive graphics. The current version of Trendalyzer is available since March 2006 as Gapminder World, a web-service displaying time series of development statistics for all countries.
The Little Green Data Book 2009
World Bank, 2009.
The Little Green Data Book 2009 is based on World Development Indicators 2009. Defining, gathering, and disseminating international statistics is a collective effort of many people and organizations. This year the focus is on urban areas and the environment, exploring how cities and climate change are affecting the way we live and how good public policies can improve prospects for future generations.
World Development Indicators (WDI)
World Bank
The World Development Indicators (WDI) provides a comprehensive selection of economic, social and environmental indicators, drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partner agencies. The database covers more than 900 indicators for 210 economies with data back to 1960.
2009 Ageing Report Statistical Annex
In 2006, the ECOFIN Council gave the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) a mandate to update its common exercise of age-related expenditure projections by the autumn of 2009 on the basis of a new population projection by Eurostat.
The projections of all expenditure items are made on the basis of common macroeconomic assumptions endorsed by the EPC and of a 'no policy change' assumption, i.e. reflecting only already enacted legislation. The report presents the expenditure projections covering pensions, health care, long-term care, education and unemployment transfers for all Member States.
The report is structured in two parts. The first describes the assumptions underlying the population projection, the labour force projection and the other macroeconomic assumptions. The second part presents the projection of expenditure on pensions, health care, long-term care, education and unemployment transfers. A statistical annex gives a country-by-country overview of the main assumptions and results.
European Central Bank -ECB- Statistics
European Central Bank (ECB)
The main purpose of European Central Bank (ECB) statistics is to support the monetary policy of the ECB and other tasks of the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
Annual macro-economic database - Ameco
European Comission
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, 2009
The database is regularly cited in DG ECFIN's publications and is indispensable for DG ECFIN's analyses and reports. To ensure that DG ECFIN's analyses are verifiable and transparent to the public, AMECO data is made available free of charge. AMECO contains data for EU-27, the euro area, EU Member States, candidate countries and other OECD countries (United States, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Mexico, Korea, Australia and New Zealand).
Eurostat, European statistics
European Comission, 2010
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Acces the database
Eurostat Pocketbook Economic Data
European Commission, 2010
The EU economic data pocketbook is a handy collection of economic data from different domains, covering the European Aggregates, EU Member States and its main economic partners. The publication focuses on the structural aspects of the EU economy; consequently, most of the data given are annual, complemented by selected monthly and quarterly indicators.
Eurostat Pocketbook Labour Market Statistics
European Commission, 2009.
This labour market statistics pocket book aims to highlight various aspects of the labour markets in Europe. The statistics shown refer to the labour market situation of individuals and households,their gross and net earnings as well as the labour cost incurred by enterprises, to labour demand, and labour market policy interventions.
IMF Data and Statistics
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. Manuals, guides, and other material on statistical practices at the IMF, in member countries, and of the statistical community at large are also available.
World Bank. Data and Statistics
World Bank
Statistics form the foundation upon which sound policy is built. The mission of the World Bank's Data Group is to provide high quality national and international statistics to clients within and outside the Bank and to improve the capacity of member countries to produce and use statistical information. As part of the international statistical system, the Data Group works with other organizations on new statistical methods, data collection activities, and statistical capacity-building programs. This group also coordinates the analytical and statistical work related to monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.Access the database
OECD Statistics (StatExtracts)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2010
Select a dataset in the left-hand menu. Create and customize your table by clicking on "current data selection". Reshape your table using "pivot dimensions" to move rows and columns. Take away the data to Excel or CSV, print your query or save it for later use.Access the database
International Labour Organization Office for the United Nations (ILO)
LABORSTA is a database of labour statistics. It covers official core labour statistics and estimates for over 200 countries since 1969. Also provides methodological descriptions of main national statistical sources.
WTO-International trade and tariff data
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Includes interactive access to the most up-to-date WTO trade statistics and International Trade Statistics 2009, the annual publication including detailed analysis and tables for 2008 (leading traders, trade by sector and product, regional trade, LDCs, etc.).Access the database
UNCTAD Statistical Databases online
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations, 2010
The following databases on-line are available: Commodity Price Statistics, Global databank on world trade in creative products, Handbook of Statistics, Foreign Direct Investment, ICT Statistics, Millennium Indicators, TRAINS. Bearing in mind that statistics are essential for sustainable economic, environmental and social development and that public trust in official statistics is anchored in professional independence and impartiality of statisticians, their use of scientific and transparent methods and equal access for all to official statistical information, the Chief Statisticians or coordinators of statistical activities of United Nations agencies and related organizations, agree that implementation of the following principles will enhance the functioning of the international statistical system.Access the database
Fourth Report on Economic and Social Cohesion. Main regional indicators
Directorate General for Regional Policy
European Commission, 2007
The Report provides an update on the progress made towards achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion, and on the manner in which Member States' and Community's policies have contributed to it.
UNWTO Department of Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (TSA)
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO/OMT)
The overall mission of the UNWTO Department of Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) is to foster the development of national Systems of Tourism Statistics (STS), the international comparability of tourism statistics and the macroeconomic analysis of tourism.