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Andrea Gaggioli, Marco Vettorello, Giuseppe Riva
Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab
Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy.
PsychNology Journal, Volume 1, Number 2, 75 - 86, 2003

This paper focuses on the ways in which the introduction of technologies in modern medicine is changing collective notions of the body. In particular, it describes two popular and imaginative conceptualizations of the body that have been inspired by progresses made by medical technologies during last century: the cyborg, and the cyberbody. Although these two models stem from the same post-modern philosophical "post-body", "post-biological," or "post-human" visions, they are characterized by a fundamental distinction. While the cyborg, at least in its original conception, is linked to the “wild wired world”, the world of cells, neurons, blood and biological processes, the cyberbody can be defined as a wireless, inorganic entity, made of pure bits of information.