Böhme K., Doucet P., Komornicki T., Zaucha J., Świątek D., 2011

The main purpose of this note is to initiate a dialogue between authorities already involved in the TA 2020 process and other policy makers who have barely or perhaps never heard of it, despite their input being essential to its success. In this respect, it is of critical importance to bridge the overall approach of ‘Europe 2020’ and the territorial approach of the TA 2020.

At present, the problem is that the strategic discussions about the future of Europe are being held in various specific “clubs”. There are “sectoral clubs” generated by the administrative division of tasks and competences. There is also a much wider “Europe 2020 club”. Following the adoption of the Europe 2020 strategy by the European Council, many decision makers responsible for economic, social and environmental policies at various tiers of government, including national/regional departments and EU bodies involved in cohesion and regional policy, have decided to take action. Fears may be expressed however about a lack of coordination between the various initiatives. Finally, there is a “territorial club” which has, for more than two decades, mobilised many of the key territorial development policy players across Europe.