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R. Scase. Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex
EC. Directorate-General JRC, 1999

This paper highlights some of the major trends that will affect the future of Europe. As to be expected there are forces of both continuity and change of convergence and divergence. Out of these will emerge mosaics of living characterised by greater opportunities and choices in life styles, work patterns and personal relations. Cultural traditions will have less impact upon life styles but this will not lead to homogeneity either within or across national borders. Individuals are likely to become more cosmopolitan and European in their outlook but not by rejecting many local loyalties and personal attachments. Changing patterns of employment, the growth of entrepreneurship and self-employment and the more ‘transient’ nature of personal relations will generate more self-reliant and individualistic cultures. Personal mobility will be greater and social networks more widely constituted. The internet and other ICTS will play a key role in work, employment and personal life styles. If the direction of change within specific life spheres is uncertain, the overall direction of change is likely to be towards “mosaic living”

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