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European Commission, 2010

Cities and metropolitan areas are the engines of economic development. They are also at the frontline when it comes to tackling obstacles to growth and employment, such as social exclusion and environmental degradation. The European Union contributes to the sustainable development of urban areas through a range of policies and initiatives which cover many areas of activity. In particular, the EU's Cohesion Policy, through the Structural Funds, plays a key role in underpinning the development and revitalisation of Europe’s towns and cities. And with integrated urban development, an increasingly important priority for the programmes financed across the EU's regions by the Structural Funds, it will continue to do so. This updated version is targeted at those working on urban issues in local and regional authorities, elected representatives, and all other stakeholders with an interest in urban development. It identifies initiatives which, under various EU policies, have both direct and indirect implications for the sustainable development of urban areas.

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