Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Division for Public Administration and Development Management
United Nations
New York, 2005

In recent times several partnership initiatives, such as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP),involved direct citizen involvement in policy and programme formulation, but these initiatives proved mainly ad hoc and lack sustainability. A more sustained citizen involvement is needed to ensure accountability and transparency in governance. The ‘engaged governance’ concept– a term introduced by UNDESA – is being advanced as a normative rather than ad hoc approach to mainstream citizens at all levels of governance, legislative as well as executive, to ensure inclusiveness in decision-making and to support the implementation of MDGs in an accountable manner.

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Commission of the European Communities, 2001

The White Paper on European Governance concerns the way in which the Union uses the powers given by its citizens. Reform must be started now, so that people see changes well before further modification of the EU Treaties. The White Paper proposes opening up the policy-making process to get more people and organisations involved in shaping and  elivering EU policy. It promotes greater openness, accountability and responsibility for all those involved. This should help people to see how Member States, by acting together within the Union, are able to tackle their concerns more effectively.

Communication for Governance & Accountability Program
World Bank, 2008

This book sets out to address the key challenges that frustrate governance reformers and reform efforts (see box, Page 1). Identification of these key challenges began by asking reform managers in development agencies and in developing countries directly, delving into the characteristics of these challenges, and distilling knowledge and lessons learned from practitioners, researchers and academicians, and from the theories and practices of the disciplines of communication and the allied social sciences for approaches and techniques that have proven useful. These key challenges were raised again and again, no matter the country or the sector in which the reform was being implemented.

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