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Joseph F. Coughlin and James Pope.
Healthways and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AgeLab, 2008.

The convergence of an aging society with today’s availability of advanced technology is an opportunity to innovate and to think differently about how we live throughout the lifespan, not just in older age. The home is the primary platform for much of life’s activities influencing our health, wellness, independence, and safety as we age. Creatively exploiting technology to provide services that are both needed and desired, while employing effective delivery strategies into the home, will enhance the lives of older people and improve overall quality of life across the lifespan. This article presents the opportunity for intelligent technologies in the home, identifies today’s apparent innovation gap indicated by the slow diffusion of existing smart technologies, and describes an integrated consumer-centric approach thatmay offer promise in translating inventions into innovations in people’s lives across the lifespan.

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