By European Commission, 2019

Following reform efforts at all levels, the EU’s economic fundamentals have picked up after the economic and financial crisis. However, recent forecasts point to the need to increase growth rates, reduce debt rates, and sustain fiscal discipline in order to provide the framework for a robust economy. Unless we take steps to increase economic resilience and cohesion and address structural vulnerabilities, the coming years could lead to a loss of momentum amid large downside risks. Conversely, if we make the necessary structural reforms, we can deliver greater well-being and a stronger future, including through investment in research and innovation, public services, welfare systems and environmental protection. Steps both at EU and Member States’ level are necessary to ensure future-proof fiscal and pension systems, including stable tax revenues in the Single Market. In addition, there are many challenges that have become increasingly pressing, and threaten our well-being and economic prosperity. All these challenges are complex and strongly interlinked, meaning that addressing one may have positive implications for others.