Dataset available for Latin-American and Caribbean Countries since 1990-2017 (Except Bahamas)
This indicator corresponds to the energy intensity of gross domestic product (GDP), is the amount of energy (measured in thousands of barrels of oil equivalent) required to generate each million dollars of GDP.
The total energy consumption, known as final consumption, shows all the energy consumed for purposes other than conversion or energy production. This consumption includes primary and secondary products, but only those for final consumption. The energy for the mining and energy production that is not part of the transformation process is also included.
Finally, the energy intensity of GDP shows the relationship between the total amount of energy consumed and the GDP of a country. If this indicator grows, also increases the amount of energy required to produce a monetary unit economic output.
The total energy consumption is measured in thousands of barrels of oil equivalent for each million dollars of GDP (in constant 2010 prices). Calculations are from CEPAL (ECLAC) based in OLADE data.