Blue Economy Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus Project. Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus. Four-year project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with a grant of US$6.2M and co-financing of US$40.1M. The Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) will be the lead implementing agency while FAO will be a co-implementing agency. will promote blue economy development in the Caribbean region through marine spatial planning and marine protected areas, the ecosystem approach to fisheries, and development of sustainable fisheries value chains. The expected results of the project include focused climate-smart investments into national and regional marine spatial planning (MSP) efforts that inform development and implementation of national blue economy strategies. The multi-country project will also focus on extending or strengthening marine protected areas to preserve marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable livelihoods to coastal and fishery communities. The project is also expected to result in the establishment of a regional MSP for ecosystem-based fisheries, inclusive sustainable fisheries value chains, and new or expanded marine protected areas in at least five Caribbean countries (Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Panama and Saint Lucia.) It will also support improvements in knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation, based upon knowledge and experiences from the project and experiences with climate-resilient blue economies from other regions.