The Blue Innovation Institute addresses the twin challenges of climate change and ocean degradation by promoting policy and technology innovations that help meet the target for SDG#14 on Oceans and are climate-smart and globally scalable while creating new natural capital for ocean health, food security and economic prosperity. This will be achieved through partnerships with international institutions and other members of the Global Blue Growth Network launched by the Dutch government, while harnessing and building capacity for regional and domestic stakeholders. Activities include innovations in among others: coastal climate resilience through natural capital, coral restoration and marine protected areas; food security through integrated approaches to small scale fisheries and aquaculture in a changing climate; blue growth livelihoods through private sector investment in blue economy sectors including: coastal eco-tourism; yachting, marine services and manufactures; pollution, sewage and waste-water management; marine park management; ocean energy; blue financial instruments for leveraging private sector investment to effect implementation (as a cross cutting theme).