Island of Wight, United Kingdom
Domain of application: Local 
Status: Pilot
  • The Isle of Wight city council
  • EcoIsland

The aim of the EcoIsland Initiative is to make the Isle of Wight energy self sufficient with renewable sources by 2020. That includes at least 30 megawatts of renewable electricity. Renewable power technologies to be adopted include at least 1300 solar roofs, waste to energy, tidal, wind power and geothermal. 
So, too, will the Isle of Wight's smart grid initiative, which aims to cut island customers' power bills by 50% with a combination of demand side management, battery energy storage and hydrogen storage. A demonstration project is sited at the St. Cross Business Park next to  solar panels, windmills, and a hydrogen pilot project. That project is the largest one in the Isle of Wight's hydrogen research and development initiative, which received  £2.4 million out of the £4.6 million budget from UK innovation agency Technology Strategy Board (TSB).