Greece - 2016
Status: Pilot
Urban Hydroponics is an innovative urban culture system. What makes Urban Hydroponics unique, is the fact that it gives citizens the opportunity to cultivate their products on their balcony, while benefiting from the power of technology. “Our system was originally built in order to compensate for the space, time and knowledge that most of us are missing,” Giannis explained, an hydroponic specialist in Greece. “Our goal is for every installed system to provide self-sufficiency for one family.”
The team is looking for ecologically sensitive consumers, who are aware of the harmful effects of irresponsible and uncontrolled use of agricultural pesticides and want to ensure the quality of the vegetables they consume. “We offer an integrated urban and organic management system, no pesticides are used during any stage of the production process,” he added.
The idea is based on the notion of hydroponics, while it also efficiently uses old and new technologies to create a “smart” garden. The system performs the necessary quality controls and depending on the needs of each plant, provides water and nutrients accordingly. The system has already been tested successfully for more than six months in Greece.